8 Fall Fashion Hot or Not (from a non-fashionable casual dressed bystander)

I will be doing a post on fall fashions that I have read from other bloggers and would like to add my thoughts as a non-fashionable casual dresser bystander.

First of all, I work in a field where my work wear consist of casual clothing, so I always wear casual clothes! It is kind of a bummer because I do not get to wear that fancy piece of dress, or top I bought a while ago hoping to wear some day. However I did work in a place where I had to wear suits everyday, so comparing to that, I am thankful for the casual work wear.

We are in already well into fall, but I know there are some of you who are still wearing those summer clothes trying to wear most out of them. So here it is~


  1. Bomber jackets


One thing to note, I am trying hard to not spend money on clothing as much as before because that was where all my pay cheque went back in my highschool and 20-year-old days. Doe anyone resonate with me?

Anyways I bought a bomber jacket from F21 for around 30 cad and I am quite satisfied with the jacket! It is a casual jacket so I can wear this to work or even with a dress for a night out! This jacket can work with many types of outfits and it is such a classic and quite plain that I can probably wear this until it breaks and rips! A lot of brands are coming out with different fabrics such as satin, velvet and even terry cloth, so there is a jacket that will match everyone’s taste.  Anyways, I am excited about this jacket and cannot wait to wear this out. This jacket would suit any ages and it is part of the athleisure trend that I so dear love. Except, when the bomber jacket trend goes away, this piece will be something which I would consider as my style wardrobe permanently. I would definitely recommend! This specific jacket I got was sold out but here is a similar one but in different colors!

2. Military look


I have seen military looks come and go for the last few decades and it is something that will stay for the next decades to come. I also bought a shirt/jacket from F21 website that has a cute patch on the side that made it playful, and I again quite like this item  as well! It can be work as a jacket in summer/fall season and wear it as a shirt during fall/winter season.  This is another item any age can wear without screaming I am stuck in my teen hood which I suffer at times 😉

I will always go for the military look at any age but I will hesitate to wear top to bottom as I will get weird stares in especially in Korea. Men in Korea have to be in military as part of their mandatory service to Korea, so you might get weird stares as men often stress about going to the military and to think females just want to “look” the part where they do not even have join the military. I once thought about joining an army in Canada (I live in Canada) but I thought I was physically weak, so gave that up quite quick. 

3. Velvet

Now velvet is a material where it feels luxe and soft but in some ways, it can feel like an “odd” material to wear. It can be seen as too much for work and casual settings; however it might not be seen as a luxurious material such as satin, so it can feel somewhere in the middle between casual and luxurious. Also, I found it hard to wear for all seasons.

For example, I had this velvet quarter sleeve top back in the days and I wore it during the summer time and I felt hot and warm; however, when I layered a jacket on top during winter, the sensation of wearing a jacket over a velvet material made my skin tingle in not a good way. And weird as in feeling weird and not bad weird. Now that sentence sounds weird.

Another funny thing is, when I was scrolling down F21 website, I found a black velvet floral kimono style piece and I really wanted it!. It is currently selling for 40 bucks cad and that is too much for me at this time, so I will wait it out until I really really want it. Or hopefully it goes on sale..but probably not until January 2017. It looks a bit dark, moody, witchy, gothy..and what does that mean..? I do not even know. As long as it is not a top, I will consider buying velvet clothing again.

4. Animal print


Animal look can consist of whole bunch of animal prints such as cougar, cheetah, panther, zebra, lion, tiger etc. When you think about it, I do not know why we want to simulate wearing another living being skin on ourselves, but what do I know about fashion? har har. Anyways I do have a cheetah printed cardigan and it looked so bold at one point back in the days but now when I wear it, I just look like I am trying too hard. It also depends on what I am wearing with but the older I get, I look older when wearing this. Regardless, it is a classic item as it comes up and again in the fashion scene. You get to decide if this is a right look for you or not.

5. Patent

Patent was something that surfaced during mid to late 90’s when I was in elementary school/highschool. I remember all the “cool” people were wearing and I remember I was fascinated with the material. I did not understand how that resembled clothing as it was plastic and shiny. I also remember idols in Korea were wearing them. Does anyone remember that?

Anyways, patent just recently re-surfaced because of the surge of 90’s fashion and when 90’s fashion get recycled endlessly, and another era comes back, patent will probably disappear as they should be. I will not get any patent clothing and I cannot even wear with my current casual wardrobe. Not recommend. 

6. Metallic

Another trend that seemed to be in the 90’s and probably other eras but I only know about 90’s and 2000 because that was when I went to highschool. Metallic works when added as a focal point mixed with other neutrals, but really, how often will you wear metallic clothing other than end of the year parties and maybe birthday parties? If that is the case, I will not spend too much money and to move on. I admit, I wanted metallic shawl a couple of years ago and I missed buying it. If I see it, I will definitely get it and wear it with pride 😀

7. Victorian

This is another trend that happened like 50 years plus? During the 90’s, I remember pinning old, antique brooch with a face of an unidentified person onto the lapels of my jacket. I remember I wanted one(weirdly), but I did not, because I felt creeped out wearing a random face on me.

When I think of Victorian, I do think of high necks, and lace details, and I think that is fine as an accessory but other than that, pass! I doubt women enjoyed wearing Victorian clothing at that time as I read women had bruises on their ribs by wearing tight bustier to cinch their waists. No thanks!

8. Plaid


Plaid is definitely classic as it comes up every fall/winter season. The plaid trend changes season to season, from checkered, and gingham and etc. But if you have a certain plaid pattern that look good on you, go for it! During spring/summer season, gingham was popular, and I tried to wear it, and I looked like I had a picnic table-cloth on. I have seen other bloggers wearing gingham like it was their own skin, but it just did not look good on me. Do try different styles of trend as you may never know what looks good on you but do trust your own guts if what you see looks good on you or not.


Okay, there you have it. My take on Fall fashion so far.


What are some of your Fall trends so far? Please comment them down below.


Thanks for reading!


Until then,

Minimalist Minnie