Hello and Thank you Strangers

First of all, I want to let all the people that read, like and comment on my page a huge thank you! I started blogging because I wanted to improve on my writing and to better articulate expressing my thoughts into words. I’ve been always that person in class or in meetings who were shy to speak up and stayed silent because I did not want to make mistakes and to sound dumb. I just dread having any attention on me except when dancing but that’s another post for another day. 

I just want to say thank you again and I try hard to go back to all your pages and to read and to like and I am sorry if I don’t do it fast enough. I used to have anxieties and still do with trying to check out people’s blogs that came to my page trying to show them support. However, that was becoming overwhelming for me to check out everybody’s blogs who came to my page to like and to comment on their pages. This insurmountable pressure that I put on myself made me want to blog less even though the pressure came from me and nobody else. I am not saying I have a lot of people coming to say hello but I barely had time to write on my blog so anything out of that, I felt pressured. I also made mad promises to myself to publish a blog post once a week and I felt pressured and I couldn’t do it.

Now, I try to write whenever I can and I am just doing it. The real reason why I decided to write today was to ask myself how much information can I or should I divulge to make myself unique and to be ‘real’ and I thought real hard about it. Funny enough, I am working in an industry where boundaries are quite important and we are to use caution to share our personal details of our lives in case our clients drop by our pages and see another side of ourselves and well..here I am….sharing my inner thoughts with the internet. 

I know we live in an age where everybody is screaming to put their online presence out there and to show them we have our own brand and that we merely exist in this world. We just want to be acknowledged, to be understood, to be heard and to be seen. 

So I am saying HELLO to you and THANK YOU for checking and reading my page even though I might not come to your page and like and comment on it…at least not right away, 

Until next time,

Minimalist Min(ie)

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash